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How We Protect Your Information

How We Protect Your Information

The security of personal information is extremely important as we work with our clients. We have taken a number of steps to make sure that client funds and their accounts are secure. We don’t want to bore you with technology jargon but we hope the details of our processes will help you feel secure that your information is safe with us.

Our internal server has 256-bit encryption and we only send sensitive information over secure connections. If someone was to steal our physical hard drive, they would not be able to access any data due to our multi-factor authentication processes. All of our data is also securely backed up and encrypted in real time. If our office had a fire or other disaster, we could be back in business without delay.

Our access to your accounts through LPL is also encrypted and only accessible on authorized computers. We are not able to access client information on computers that have not been authorized and tested for security. If someone was able to obtain the username and password for the LPL internal system, they would not have any access to the accounts since their computer would not be authorized.

When you receive sensitive information from us via email it will always come in a secure, encrypted email or through a secure link that is only active for a single click or a very limited timeframe. We have the ability to track who has accessed this information and from where. Our [name]@gf-wealth.com email addresses are secure and encrypted but we take this extra step in case other email providers are compromised.

When you view your accounts online using Account View or eMoney this only allows you to view your accounts. You are not able to request that money be transferred or complete any transactions online. This means that even if someone obtains access to your accounts they are not able transfer funds from your accounts. 

We also verify all transfer requests by phone to confirm all the details. We do this to protect against phishing emails posing as requests from clients asking for funds to be transferred. LPL also requires personal confirmation by phone with clients for large wire transfers.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to call or email us.