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What We Do

Financial Planning

Everyone does financial planning, whether intentionally or not. In its most basic operation, financial planning involves applying one's limited cash flow to unlimited options.

We know it sounds daunting, but having a plan is necessary if you’re trying to move toward a goal. 

Before we move on, we should clarify. We’ve used the words “plan” and “goal,” so you may be feeling anxious and thinking about a primarily useless large binder with charts, statistics, and ratios. We’re talking about real financial planning: purposeful, concise, practical, and, most importantly, a continuous process. 

Below are details of this “real financial planning” and the topics covered. Follow the links to explore each topic further, or schedule a meeting  if ready. 

Our real financial planning process is called the Purposeful Wealth Experience™. It is a continuous three-step process that is unique in how we provide clarity and practical insight to allow you to make the best decision despite the uncertainty of the future. 

The topics that are covered in the Purposeful Wealth Experience™ include:

Cash Flow Planning

Estate Planning

Charitable Gift Planning

Retirement Planning

Debt Management

Risk Management

Education Planning

Tax Planning